A Cartoon Portrait in Roz Chast's The Party, After You Left

This copy of Roz Chast's The Party, After You Left (2004) is signed and inscribed with an original cartoon portrait. A general rule about cartoon collections is ridiculously easy to remember: Cartoon books are great, but they're even better signed, and especially better signed with an original drawing. This book appeared last year on eBay. Incredibly, I was the only bidder.
Roz Chast, The Party, After You Left (2004)
Roz Chast, cartoon portrait inscribed "To Alex + Carolyn / Cheers, / Roz Chast" in a copy of The Party, After You Left (2004)

Roz Chast, "The Crummiest Generation," from The Party, After You Left (2004)

Roz Chast, Signed and Inscribed with Drawing, The Party, After You Left, eBay Listing Ended January 29, 2012
Roz Chast, Signed and Inscribed with Drawing, The Party, After You Left, eBay Item Description Ended January 29, 2012


Note:  More posts about Roz Chast can be found here.

If you too have a book or two with an original drawing by Roz Chast or another New Yorker cartoonist, please consider sharing it on Attempted Bloggery. You know you want to.