Chon Day: Hankering for Floozies

A page of finished original cartoon art by Chon Day was recently listed on eBay. Having failed to sell at $59, it was subsequently listed at $49, although at the moment it is not being offered at all. What I can't tell you is whether Richard here will answer his wife's question honestly.

Chon Day, "Tell me honestly, Richard, did you ever hanker for floozies?"

Chon Day Original Drawing
eBay Item Listing Ended June 11, 2013

Chon Day, "Tell me honestly, Richard, did you ever hanker for floozies?"
Note:  As always, I'm grateful to anyone who can help to ascertain the publication history of the original artwork displayed on this blog. By its nature, Attempted Bloggery encounters recurrent, vexing questions about where, when, and even whether original artwork was published or reprinted. You can examine many of the blog posts beset with such uncertainties here if you'd like to try your hand at some good old-fashioned detective work.